Raising awareness about the importance of cybersecurity through the month of October.

All throughout the month of October, follow along as we explore the importance of cybersecurity. Use the the hashtag #BeCyberSmart, to follow along on social media to gain insight on things you can do everyday to keep yourself and devices safe. 


P@s$w0rds_d0n’t_hav3_2_b_th!s_Complic@teD! Seriously, who can remember that? Make your password a passphrase and put it in a password manager!

When it comes to passphrases, it’s best to mix it up! Keep them long, easy-to-remember, and unique for each account. #BeCyberSmart

WEEK 1 - Be Cyber Smart

This week we focus on the simple things you can do to keep your accounts safe. Creating strong passwords and using multi-factor authentication, backing up your data, and updating your software are great places to start.

WEEK 2- Fight the Phish

 Think before you click on any suspicious emails, links or attachments and make sure to report any suspicious emails if you can!

WEEK 3- Explore. Share. Experience

 This week focus is on exploration of a cybersecurity career. 


Visit www.nist.gov to learn more about a career in cybersecurity. 


 This week will focus on building security protocols for business to put into use on a daily basis with employees. (Simple steps that can be taken to protect business data. ) 

#BeCyberSmart Tip: If you connect it, protect it. Outsmart cyber threats by regularly updating your software. 
Any device that connects to the internet is vulnerable to risks. The best defense is to keep device security software, web browser and operating systems up to date. #BeCyberSmart by turning on auto-updates.